Motorcycle Injury?

Everyone who rides a motorcycle knows how serious the injuries can be from a motorcycle accident.  Even if you take all the right precautions many riders get seriously injured due to the carelessness of other drivers.

With serious injuries come expensive medical bills, lost work, and dealing with insurance companies who may not offer you fair compensation.

As a former trial lawyer for the insurance companies Mr. Roughton will make sure the insurance company doesn’t take advantage of you by talking you into a quick settlement that’s only in their best interests.

As an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in Durham, NC Mr. Roughton be with you every step of the way.  He’ll guide you through the legal process.  He’ll be there to protect your interests when the insurance company’s lawyers come calling.  With the comfort and piece of mind knowing you have your own lawyer representing your interests you can get back to the important business of healing from your injury.

Mr. Roughton is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at (919) 908-0230 to discuss you or your loved one’s motorcycle injury.  Everything Mr. Roughton discusses with you will be kept completely confidential.