Drug Trafficking Charges

The North Carolina Controlled Substance Act divides all drugs into six different categories called “schedules” depending on their potential for abuse and whether they have any legitimate medical use.  Schedule I controlled substances are considered under the law to have the highest potential for abuse and have no legitimate medical use.  Heroin is a schedule I controlled substance.  Marijuana, on the other hand, is considered a schedule VI substance.

The punishment for trafficking a controlled substance can be harsh.  Unlike other felonies,   drug trafficking convictions are sentenced according to a drug trafficking punishment chart.  According to the drug trafficking punishment chart, if you are convicted of trafficking over 28 grams of heroin (a schedule I controlled substance) you are facing a minimum of about 18 years in prison and a $500,000 fine.  Regardless of what controlled substance you are convicted of trafficking you will be sentenced to prison.  The judge cannot sentence you to probation.

One way to possibly avoid these harsh mandatory sentences is to provide “substantial assistance” in the prosecution of other drug traffickers.  If the judge finds you’ve provided law enforcement substantial assistance the judge can reduce your fine, reduce your prison time, or even suspend all your prison time and place you on probation.

The only other way to keep from serving a long sentence for drug trafficking is to beat the charges at trial.  In order to do this, though, you need the strongest possible defense.  Mr. Roughton knows how to challenge the prosecutor’s evidence before the trial even starts.  In some instances, Mr. Roughton can have the judge keep out the evidence the prosecutor needs in order to take you to trial.  If your case does go to trial, Mr. Roughton knows how to win your case in front of a jury.  After all, he’s tried over one hundred jury trials.  

If you or a loved one has been charged with drug trafficking it is extremely important that you contact a lawyer as soon as possible.  Mr. Roughton is available to speak with you any day, night, weekend, or holiday about you or your loved one’s drug trafficking charges.  His office number is (919) 908-0230.