Firm Philosophy

Lucien M. Roughton at his desk discussing a caseMr. Roughton has spent his entire legal career as trial lawyer.  He has practiced both in Chicago, Illinois and North Carolina.  Over the past decade Mr. Roughton has tried over 100 cases to a jury.  Ninety-nine percent of other lawyers have nowhere near that much trial experience.

As an Orange, Chatham, and Durham County prosecutor Mr. Roughton prosecuted people for the exact same traffic, DWI, misdemeanor and felony charges you may be facing.  Before he was a prosecutor he worked for the Cook County (Chicago) Public Defender’s Office defending clients charged with drug offenses.

For over six years Mr. Roughton worked in Chicago, Illinois as a trial lawyer defending the insurance companies.  They hired him to defend their interests all across Illinois and take cases to trial against people claiming they were hurt.  At the same time Mr. Roughton also represented individual clients injured by others and fought the insurance companies in court on their behalf.

As a lawyer you’re only as experienced and tough as the number of cases you’ve actually tried in a courtroom to a jury.  Why?  Because the prosecutor or insurance company needs to know that you are not just going to take whatever compensation or plea deal they offer you.

And why won’t you have to accept their offer?  Because you have an attorney who has the skills and ability to take the case to trial and let a jury decide if you’re guilty or how much you should be compensated for your injury.

In other words, the insurance company and prosecutor need to know that you have a lawyer who

1) isn’t afraid to try a case, and

2) knows how to win it.

Otherwise, if the prosecutor or insurance company thinks your lawyer doesn’t know the law, is lazy, or is too scared to take a case to trial they won’t make you a fair offer.

This is the kind of experience that actually counts.  Experience taking the police to trial.  Experience taking the insurance company to trial.  This is the experience that gets Mr. Roughton’s clients the best outcomes in their cases.