Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

Dealing with an injury is a stressful and scary experience.

As the founder of the Law Office of Lucien Malone Roughton, Jr., PLLC, Mr. Roughton understands.

Insurance companies count on knowing the law better than you.  In order to even the playing field you need an attorney who not only has inside knowledge of how the insurance companies think but also has the ability to take the case to trial should that be necessary.


For over six years Mr. Roughton worked both as a trial lawyer defending the insurance companies and representing injured individuals seeking compensation from the insurance companies.

In other words, Mr. Roughton knows how the insurance companies think and has the experience necessary to ensure you get full value for your injury claim.

At the Law Office of Lucien Malone Roughton, Jr., PLLC no client is ever charged by the hour.  All personal injury clients at the Law Office of Lucien Malone Roughton, Jr., PLLC rest easy knowing they won’t have to pay their lawyer unless they collect compensation from the insurance company.  In other words, if you don’t receive compensation then Mr. Roughton as your lawyer doesn’t either.

Mr. Roughton is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at (919) 908-0230 to discuss you or your loved one’s injury.  Of course everything you discuss with Mr. Roughton will be kept completely confidential.